Monday, June 7, 2010
Flag Day
Each year we have Flag Day and it falls on June 14th. I don’t know why, but I always seem to remember Flag Day. Flag Day commemorates the adoption of the United States Flag on June 14, 1777. I’m not a big history buff, but I do remember this piece of history. It tends to make me remember all of the men and women who have gone before us and have done so much to grow and preserve our freedom and way of life. Most of us, or our families, originally came to the U.S. as foreigners. This has been and remains a land of opportunity. As I read about the turmoil in the world and the economic problems, I can’t help but think how lucky we are to be living in the United States. Yes, we too have our problems, but by comparison we have so much more opportunity, coupled with freedom, than anywhere else in the world. It is up to us to take advantage of this opportunity and freedom and use it wisely. This past month and a half have been difficult, with unemployment continuing its march upward, the oil spill in the Gulf, the turbulence in the stock market, and many other issues. Even so, most of us still go to bed at night well fed and feeling secure. What do you think the expectations of our founding fathers were, back on June 14, 1777?