Friday, December 21, 2012

Double Dare

When I was a kid, we use to taunt friends by saying, “I Double Dare YOU,” to do something. Since becoming an adult, I don’t think I’ve used this expression. What brought it to mind was the inability, last night, of the Speaker of the House, Boehner, to get consensus in the Republican Party, for “Plan B,” to avoid the “Fiscal Cliff.” It’s almost as though his colleagues were saying, “We Double Dare YOU to go over the ‘Fiscal Cliff’.” It appears that to move forward, Boehner will have to work with President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Reid, to develop a solution that a majority of House Republicans and Democrats can accept. The clock continues to tick, even as the House Republicans go home!

I feel very blessed to be working at Secure Planning. We don’t do double dares. The group has worked together for many years, has built a relationship with each other and with our clients. I wish each of you a peaceful holiday and a happy and healthy New Year.
Thank you!
Ed Mallon